Monday, October 8, 2012


This is slightly awkward. 

        I know I haven't really been following my schedule. And I'm not going to make any excuses (except maybe one or two). In case you haven't realized, I also have a daytime job. Although this job takes me a way from my desk, it pays the bills.Sadly, I'm not at a point in my career where I can just solely focus on making art (Hopefully that will change at the end of the year *fingers crossed*). One day, I can hopefully make money off of my artwork. But for the moment, this job will have to do.

         In other news, I do have new stuff to show, but due to my  schedule, I'm actually too tired to stay up now. However, don't fret kids, I get off early tomorrow. So here's what's going down. I'm gonna go pass out in my comfy bed, wake up, head off to work, and when I get off around 2:00ish, I'll start uploading new artwork (they should be up on the website around tomorrow evening). Just let me rest for a few hours (the last few days have been really hectic). I promise you it'll be worth the wait.

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